|font:Courier New||B:0|This program can produce a list of colleges that meet your specifications for location, school population, tuition, major, SAT score--but not for personal priorities. Another big minus: the program’s lack of hypertext linking. The sum of each school’s info comprises several screens--one for phone number, one for tuition--and because none is linked to the others, there's lots of screen swapping.|CR||CR|^|font:Courier New||B:0|*Save time in your search for for colleges.|CR|*Get the latest information on over 1000|CR| colleges and universities.|CR|*Matches you to the college of your choice.|CR|*Generate professional application and|CR| financial aid requests.|CR|*Search by major, tuition cost, and|CR| geographical location.|CR|*Includes a phone-list of colleges.|CR|*Automatically addresses envelopes and|CR| prints college and personal address|CR| labels.|CR|^|font:Courier New||B:0|Available on floppy for Windows.|CR||CR|Windows Minimum System Requirements:|CR|* Windows 3.1 |CR|* Hard drive with 7MB free |CR|* 4MB of RAM|CR||CR||CR||CR||CR||CR||CR|